Six days ago, Gabriel William was born. He was only 1lb 5oz and 11.5 in long, but so far he's doing really well. He was born at 23 weeks 4 days gestation, so his poor little body has quite the journey ahead of him until he'll be ready to come home, but all of the doctors and nurses say that he's doing as well as they can realistically expect a 23 week baby to be doing. Since it's going to be a long journey, I decided to start this blog, to keep a record of this journey. Gabriel was born Wednesday morning, December 16, at 7:04. When he was born, he was instantly handed off to the NICU and we had no idea if he was going to survive, since he was showing up so early. After a half hour the nurse came in and said that they'd gotten him breathing and he was actually doing really well. She even took my phone and took a picture. He was covered in plastic to protect his skin, but he was perfect. Two hours later, after the medications and epidural had mostly...