Day 9: Merry Christmas

Nothing very exciting to report, which is always good. They turned off the lights above his incubator, since he doesn't need them anymore. They'll checkhis bilirubin level again in a couple of days. They turned his oxygen level down yesterday since he didn't need it, although they turned it back up to 2 today, since his carbon dioxide level was a bit high. Other than that, he's doing well. The nurses have even been commenting on how feisty he is. When they change his diaper he fusses and cries, which most kids his age don't do. Apparently the feisty ones get out of the nicu faster.

Today is Christmas. Obviously this is not how we were planning on spending Christmas, and we really weren't planning on a Christmas baby, but we're all together and we have a tiny new member of the family. Merry Christmas!


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