
Josy is a funny little boy. The things that come out of his mouth are the best. And sometimes he describes things in a really funny way. Yesterday we went on a bike ride and there was a worm on the plastic wind cover, but he kept telling me that there was a worm on the windshield and it took me a while to figure it what he was talking about. I thought he saw a stick on a car’s windshield that we drive past…

J: We need to get out our Halloween decorations.

M: Oh, we already did.

J: Where are they???

M: We don’t have any. So they’re already out.

J: We need to get some!

M: No. I don’t do anything scary.

J: It’s not scary. It’s just a pot.

M: What?

J: The pot at Home Depot, with the fake blood. We need to get it.

M: No

J: It does not give me nightmares. The guy with the beak and the goggles, that gave me nightmares.


J: It would be cool if my lunchbox had batteries! Then I could play video games!

M: That would be weird.

J: Not weird. Awesome. Then I could play video games all the time. Video games on the toilet. Video games when I’m building magnatiles. Video games when I’m watching tv. And it would be minecraft.


J: Mom. Is this zero and a half?


M: Josy, let’s go for a bike ride.

J: No! No bike ride!

M: Well, I need to do a workout and it should be outside because it’s nice.

J: You can do pushups outside in the grass.


Josy has stopped sitting next to one of his friends at school. So I asked him about it.

M: Why don’t you want to sit next to P?

J: I like her, but I don’t want to sit next to her. I love her, but I don’t want to marry her.


He keeps walking saying asking everyone if they like his “cute hat.” And yes, it is cute. But 4th grade boys at school aren’t really your target audience for that question.


Last week at church, I couldn’t find him before the service started. It turns out that he’d found one of the grandmas and asked her to read him a story. No grandma can resist that.


He certainly makes my life more entertaining. He’s the best.


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