
Showing posts from May, 2016

Left Out

Poor Gabe was very upset today that Daddy went scuba diving without him.

3 Months Clothes

I put Gabe in a pair of 3 month pjs and, well, they weren't way too big. In fact, they fit better than his newborn clothes. It looks like I'm going to have to conceed that my baby is now officially too big for his clothes... Also, I have a lot of laundry to do tomorrow...


The sun was out today, which in this town means that you must spend the day outside. This also explains why it's 10pm and we're just now doing the dishes...  This morning Bella, Gabe and I ran the Mustache Dash. It turns out that running while pushing a stroller is a lot of work... This afternoon the four of us hiked out to the beach. It was lovely!


The best way to deal with the pain of shots? Reading stories with your big sister.

5 Months

Gabe turned 5 months yesterday, so we took his pictures today. Once again, it was rather dramatic... After the drama of last month, Gabe decided to give the moose the cold shoulder. But then the lamb showed up, and he was worse than the moose! Tune in next month to see if they can figure out how to get along!

A Weekend in Oregon

My friend Liz is getting married in a month, so Gabe and I went to the Oregon coast for a girls weekend with all of my college girlfriends. It was fun to get to show him off, since none of them had gotten to meet him yet. Also, Gabe may have found a new girlfriend... Then we went to visit Uncle Matt and Auntie Rachael. Gabe also got to meet Asta. He wasn't quite sure what to do with her. Asta wasn't sure either, although she was pretty sure that licking would solve all of Gabe's problems. We also got to see Laurie again. He's more than doubled in size since she last saw him!

Off on an Adventure

Gabe and I are off on an adventure!

Gabe's Newborn Pictures

A couple of weeks ago, we took newborn pictures of Gabe.  He was the size of a normal newborn baby, something which seemed impossible a few months ago.  In one of the pictures, he's holding his newborn diaper which was too big for him.

Sea Week

This week is Sea Week so this morning I left Gabe with my parents and met Bella's class at the beach to look at tide pools. It was a lot of fun and I don't normally get to do it because of work, so I was glad to get to this year. I didn't take pictures of all of the animals that they found, but they found a lot, including a baby octopus. I also learned that loons are "super annoying." I'd always liked them, but apparently I was wrong...

Baby Camp

Bella has decided that Gabe is going to go to baby camp this summer.  She has the whole curriculum planned.  He's going going to need to learn three things: 1.  How to hold his pacifier in his mouth by himself 2.  How to not spit up in people's faces 3.  How to say Ahh when he opens his mouth to eat She's going to let him take a break the week that she's at camp, other than that she's planned his whole summer.  :)

Just Because

I was gone for a couple of hours this afternoon. I came back to all three of my boys asleep. Also, apparently Gabe likes having milk sprayed on his face?


Gabe has now decided that bath time isn't the worst thing. It could be the fun new bathtub... Anyway, tonight we got this: Which was so much better than this not too long ago...


Today I conceded that Gabe has outgrown his newborn diapers and now needs size 1. It's the first newborn thing that he's outgrown. Is it bad that it makes me sad??? I mean, I'm happy that he's healthy and growing, but I can't believe that my tiny little baby is now wearing something bigger than a newborn size.