
Showing posts from December, 2023


We had a lovely Christmas today. Yesterday we went to church and the Christmas Eve service. We made sure to get in our Swedish pancakes, even though we had to have them for lunch rather than dinner due to some scheduling situations. We broke into the fruit cake that Pat had been making more a month, literally. We finished our last advent tea and let the kids open they’re two presents, their Christmas ornaments and matching Christmas jammies. This morning the kids all slept in, so I was the first one up and Gram and Gramps even made it over before any of the kids were up. But they got up eventually… This is your face of a kid who is very excited about his present!! After presents we had sticky buns and scrambled eggs. Then we cleaned up a bit and then settled into a day of puzzles, legos and a giant Hogwarts 3D model. One of these things is not like the other… Then we had an amazing dinner. Then it was time for a giant sword fight. Then we watched Home Alone (and listened to Gabe laughi...

Merry Christmas Eve!



Somehow he’s 8. I have no idea how that happened. It’s ridiculous. Pat took him out on a date for his birthday and gave him a pocketknife, which he has been begging for for a very long time. So naturally there were many conversations about knife safety, instructions about where it will live at all times and whittling lessons. He was ridiculously excited. Then for his family party he requested bowling and steak. And check out who won??? And then we went home for steak and presents. It was a really great way to celebrate our boy.

Other Christmas Stuff

We’ve been doing all sorts of fun Christmas stuff, but I have not been doing a good job of keeping up on it, so here’s a quick summary of the month… We decorated the house. We decorated Josy… We decorated Freddy… We saw the Nutcracker. We went to a Christmas party at church. We got a Christmas tree. The cats love it. We decorated the tree. We went to Pat’s Christmas party. I made snowmen for my Christmas party at work. I also took it on myself to decorate my office. And there have been a lot of Christmas socks, sometimes even inadvertently matching… It’s been a lot of fun and we’re only halfway through December!