A Very Long Week

This has been a very long, hard week. First off so, Pat has been out of town for work all week. So that makes life hard. Second, Josy has had a chore that he needed to do and rather than just doing it, he decided that he didn’t want to and spent every evening not doing it. Yesterday he spent a half hour loudly singing Christmas carols, rather than spending 10 minutes just finishing it up.

I still can’t pick anything up. While I’m feeling better, I still have a weight restriction. On top of yet, my shoulder and neck have been giving me a lot of drama, so I’ve spent a lot of time at the chiropractor.

And poor Gabe got some warts taken off of his feet. He’s been in a lot of pain and has had a really rough time with it. And since I can’t even pick him up to carry him when his feet hurt, it’s made lot more complicated. I’ve been putting him on his bike and pushing him around. He’s finally acting like himself again, but his feet are stop bugging him.

All that to say, it’s been a very long week…

I did not take hardly any pictures, but here are a couple of us decorating the house for Christmas.

Gabe found the coffee scoop and decided that it had another purpose.

And I got this from school. King Josy off the firefighters.


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