
Showing posts from August, 2024

Catching up on the Summer…and Rain

I have a lot of summer to catch up on… The summer was full of cousins visiting, a lot of rain, and a lot of silliness. This might take me a lot of posts… He found Great Grandp’s old hat. Of course he had to try and steal it. Happy little Knox. It was raining a lot and the boys had just given umbrellas, so we figured the best thing to do was do some puddle jumping and Singing in the Rain. Gabe went on a walk with Bryson and, um, the trail was really flooded. He loves his tie. We walked out to go find the Boneyard. It was also very full of water. Gabe loves Knox. When they left, I’m not sure who he was sadder about: Bryson or Knox.  


Kindergarten. This child should not be in kindergarten already!! But then again, his big brother shouldn’t be in 3rd grade either. They are growing up entirely too fast!!

My First Marathon

I ran my first marathon today!! I’ve been training for 18 weeks, which means that I’ve done a lot of running this summer. Since we had record rain, it made for some very wet runs… But today was the big day and I did it! The starting line. I texted Pat every three miles, so he could track my progress.  This was 3. 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 The end!! My final time was 6:03. It may not have been fast, but I did it! And I did it without walking (other than taking selfies and gels and two big hills…). But I even ran the last 6 miles, which I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to be able to do. Then I got to the end and couldn’t take another step. It’s a good thing Pat was there to keep me moving! Mid-race I heard someone say “The good thing about our sport is a mile is a mile. It doesn’t matter if you run it in 4 minute miles or 14 or 24.”

The Fair

I am so far behind on posting that I’ll probably never get caught up… Ever since the app that I use to update it freaked out, it’s made it very hard to do updates and it’s hard to keep up… That said, we had a fun weekend away and I have to start somewhere… We flew up to the State Fair. Pat grew up going all the time, but the rest of us had never been there before, so it was fun to see. We also stopped to see Grammy and Grampa Jim. These two did a lot of giggling!! And then we headed to Uncle Tim’s house got the night.