My First Marathon

I ran my first marathon today!!

I’ve been training for 18 weeks, which means that I’ve done a lot of running this summer. Since we had record rain, it made for some very wet runs… But today was the big day and I did it!

The starting line.

I texted Pat every three miles, so he could track my progress. 

This was 3.








The end!!

My final time was 6:03. It may not have been fast, but I did it! And I did it without walking (other than taking selfies and gels and two big hills…). But I even ran the last 6 miles, which I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to be able to do. Then I got to the end and couldn’t take another step. It’s a good thing Pat was there to keep me moving!

Mid-race I heard someone say “The good thing about our sport is a mile is a mile. It doesn’t matter if you run it in 4 minute miles or 14 or 24.”


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