Day 22: A Hole

Well, Gabe is up 30 grams today, to puts him at 680.  We'll see if this continues or not...  The tests all came back good, so right now it looks like he's just little and it's hard to get these little bodies to gain weight sometimes.  Most babies his age are still on TPN, which they give to babies through their pic line, but since Gabe doesn't have a pic line, he's not getting TPN either.  This would probably help him gain weight faster, but they don't want to give him another pic line unless he actually needs it.  So, keep praying.  There's nothing actually wrong at this point, but he still does need to gain weight.

However, now poor little Gabriel has a hole in his nose.  It looks like the prongs have been rubbing his septum and actually put a hole in it.  The doctor wants to put in a ring in it, to make him the coolest baby in the NICU, but he's concerned that a nose ring won't be cool when he's a teenager.  :)

It's not a huge problem.  It should heal fine on its own, but he now has a mask instead of the prongs to take the pressure off of his nose.  The mask doesn't seal nearly as well and it puts pressure on his nose in other areas, but it will work until the hole heals up.  It does push his lips out all strange and makes his face looks a little funny, but luckily he's not self-conscious quite yet.


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