Our Morning...

This morning I got out of the shower to hear both boys yelling for me. I tripped over Lucy as I got to Gabe’s room, where he was yelling that he needed to go to the bathroom and couldn’t hold it much longer. He ran to the bathroom in too big of a hurry to even turn on the light. I got Josy up and went back to the bathroom to tell Gabe that if I’m in the shower he can get out of bed and go to the bathroom. Suddenly I hear a splash. I turn on the light to see Lucy stuck in the pee filled toilet. She manages to climb out, spraying pee water all over Gabe, me and the entire bathroom. Needless to say, Gabe got a shower, I got another half shower, Lucy got a shower and now I need to wash all the towels in the house.

What a way to start the day...


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