Easter Eggs and Cars

My friend had surgery again, so her two kids are staying with us, which had been fun. It definitely has made our house fuller…and noisier… But they’re good kids and we’ve had a lot of fun. Monday we dyed Easter eggs. Josy ended up not participating, but the other three had a great time. Gabe was very proud of his special egg, where he painted the three crosses. The next day, Josy got to dye eggs with Cathy and Gabe missed out, so it all evened out. Also, Josy dyed eggs at school on Wednesday, so we have lot of eggs around here… Then the kids all made cars for Awana. Luckily I’d just gotten two very large Amazon boxes for a work project, and they worked perfectly. So we had several days of construction and lessons about knife skills. And now we have two very large cars taking up the majority of the living room… But they’re very proud of them and are having entirely too much fun with them.