The First Month of School

We were a month into school and to say that the year started out with a bang would be an understatement. Gabe is doing well. We had his parent teacher conference yesterday and the teacher had wonderful things to say about him. Spelling is the bane of his existence, but he’s surviving.

Josy, on the other hand, did not click with his teacher. At all. It’s a long story, but the short answer is that he is now attending a different school and is going really well. His teacher, who is actually a guy I knew in high school, understands how his head works and Josy is responding very well to that. But needless to say, this was a very dramatic start to the school year.

On top of that, regular life has been happening. Pat replaced all of the windows in the upstairs of the house. (Downstairs was last year’s project.) Gabe was a huge help too, carrying scrap wood and trying to put the lawn back together.

Some nights when I get the boys up for school, I find them like this…

One of Gabe’s daycare friends came to visit from England, so we all went ice skating. Gabe thought it was wonderful. Josy was terrified.

Gram snuggles!

An ice skating injury.

The night before Gram and Gramps went back to Arizona, we had dinner and Josy helped me make a pie.

The boys got a new sleeping bag.

Gabe started piano lessons, but the timing of the schedule means that we now have a break between school pickup and the start of lessons. So we got a cup of tea on the first day.

They were super excited to pick matching jammies.

He loves to get himself dressed, which is great. But he also really likes the belt/suspender combination, which does great things for his pants…

Josy had his first eye appt.

Working on homework.

It took me a long time to convince them to put the ship away so I could vacuum…

Kindergarten is rough.

Doing reading homework before piano.

We harvested one pot of potatoes and Josy was super excited for a “Josy sized potato.” Luckily there were regular ones too.

This kid is so very silly.

Gabe had a half day this week, so we had a crepe date.

And then we had to play ball because it was sunny and it’s Gabe.



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