An Adventure

Last week was a long week. It was one of those weeks where so many random things are happening that it's completely exhausting and all you want is for the weekend to show up. On top of all, Pat took the youth group from church to LA to work with the homeless, so he was gone. And I was trying to get everything ready so that we could go only a family vacation. It was exhausting! Pat flew in Saturday night at 9:30 and we caught the 6:45 flight Sunday morning. 

But, we are now in London! We even surving a 9+ hour flight with Gabe. It took about 5 hours to fall asleep on that flight, so he ended up with maybe 4 hours of sleep total. I got maybe 15 minutes, since everytime he moved it woke me up and I figured that him sleeping was more important. He actually did really well. He wasn't screaming or crying, he was just awake.

On the plane, ready for our long flight:

We got to our flat and then tried to beat the jetlag (as much as we all wanted a nap) by staying up until we could go to bed at a normal time. Well, we all stayed up except for one...

We saw Big Ben, Parliament and the outside of Westminster Abbey before getting dinner and heading home to bed.

We were all wide awake at 4am, but we all understand that it was just jetlag. Well, all but one of us. Gabe was pretty sure that he was up for the day... Luckily he went back to sleep around 6, and we were all able to sleep for a couple more hours. 

Today we got lunch over by the Tower Bridge.

Then we went to the Tower of London, where we got to learn about all of the people that were executed there. It really is a bloody place! Our tour guide was a beefeater, who enjoyed posing for pictures...

Once more, Gabe slept through the entire thing...

After the tour, we saw the crown jewels and the armory. We actually had more to see, but they were closing and we had to leave. We'll have to get an earlier start tomorrow so that we won't get kicked out of places we want to see.


We walked by Monument, which is actually in memory of the London Fire in the 1800s. It's on the other side of the London Bridge from the terrorist attack from last week. It was covered in flowers.




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