Auntie Laurie

The other day, we were getting ready for school and Gabe said "Talk on phone."  I said okay and asked him who he would like to talk on the phone to.  "Auntie Laurie.  Auntie Laurie talk phone Gabey."

So, we called Auntie Laurie and they had a lovely chat for a few minutes.

The funny part of this is that Gabe hasn't seen Laurie since July.  That seems like a long time for him to remember anyone at all.  Also, the other day he was reading one of his books from the Imagination Library and he say a picture of Dolly Parton.  I asked him who that was and he yelled "Auntie Laurie!"  Um, what?

This morning Gabe was playing with his Thomas the Train bouncy ball.  I asked him who was on the ball and he said "Thomas Train!"  I pointed to another train and he said "Percy Choo Choo!"  I pointed to the last one and he yelled "Auntie Laurie!"

I think he's just confused.  We may need to go visit Auntie Laurie to straighten him out.


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