Catching Up for the Week

Josy has finally figured out how to sit. He’s been doing pretty well for awhile, but I didn’t trust him to stay there as he would just randomly fall over. But in the last three days he’s finally got it figured out. He’s also figured out how to go from all fours to then sitting on one hip and leaning on one arm. It’s weird to explain, but it’s actually a big step and I think it’s helped him figure out how to sit up.

Josy has been sick this weekend. Actually, he’s only sick during the night and he’s fine during the day, just a little more snuggly. I don’t mind that at all, but I do mind the waking up in the middle of the night sick...

Gabe is convinced that hugging someone means putting his ear on someone. That works great hugging someone bigger than him, like Dad or I, but it’s a little awkward when hugging Josy...

I was getting bottles ready for Josy to take to school and apparently he was hungry because he grabbed it and did this:

G: Mommy, I love you. And speaking of I love you, did you know that when Catboy uses his super cat speed he turns into a tornado?

Gabe was super upset the other day because the sun and the moon are in outer space and he wanted them to be on the earth.

G: Mommy, God created the astronauts first.
M: No, on the first day, God created the light.
G: And on the second day he created the astronauts?

G: Do we have a toystore?
M: No, in this town we have to fly to a different town to go to a toystore.
G: Me and my wife and my kids are going to get on an airplane to go to a toystore so I can buy them the stuff we just talked about. I have to keep that in my mind.

G: Timmy and Chase (his two stuffed dogs) are aviator police dogs who drop bombs and bonbons on the bad guys.

Getting to work this week has been fun as I’ve managed to have drama every single day before parking my car. The most fun was the day that a certain short person didn’t shut his car door the night before and the battery died, so I ended up wandering the street in the snow looking for a neighbor to jump my car. Thank goodness for retired guys and state troopers to help a girl out. But it meant that I was late enough to work that the only parking spot available made me park like this:

Pat and I spent the week working on a puzzle. We bought it a couple of years ago, but we haven’t been able to do it because life has not given us the opportunity. You can’t do a puzzle when you have a cat or are actively trying to sell your house. But we were inspired by our Christmas puzzle and spent the week working on it. And funny enough, even though this one is 1000 pieces and the Christmas puzzle was 500, this one was so much easier...

Also, Gabe got a haircut yesterday...


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