Merry Christmas!

The last couple of weeks have been completely crazy and I haven’t had the mental energy to do much of anything. So I’m a couple of weeks behind here…

Back to Christmas…

We went to the Christmas Eve service as a family. That might be the best Christmas Eve picture we’ve had in many years…

Getting the whole family to take pictures can be a little bit interesting. Sometimes they’re good…

…and sometimes they look like this.

Gram and Gramps were asked to do the Advent candles and Gabe memorized one of the speaking parts. That kid definitely has no stage fright. He did amazing.

Jeremiah decided he needed to join in.

Every day for Advent this year, we’ve been drinking a cup of tea while reading a chapter of Luke. It’s been a lot of fun and I’m definitely going to miss our little evening ritual.

Christmas morning found all of my kids sleeping in until after 8. I was the first one up and I didn’t hear Josy thumping until after Gram and Gramps told me they were already on their way over.

Our cousin picture in front of the tree! Unfortunately both Auntie Cassie and I had to be in the picture is Josy and Jeremiah were going to cooperate.

Jeremiah got to go first since he is the youngest. But his present was so exciting that Josy wanted to play with it too.

So we made sure that Josy got to open a fun one rather than playing with Jeremiah’s toy. It worked a little too well. Josy took the recycle truck, his under the table to play with it and then didn’t want to open any other presents.

Gabe got a model of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, Blackbeard’s ship.

Bella got a cowboy outfit for Freddy. He was not impressed.

Santa brought Josy and I matching socks.

Later we played some games, cooked a fancy dinner (Pat was up at 4 starting the brisket!) and playing with new toys. It was a pretty slow day, but it was fun.


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