Turning 40…

I’m not quite sure how I’m supposedly at the phase of life where my friends are turning 40, but here we are. My college roommate Yen turned 40 and to celebrate, all of us that met back when we lived on the same floor freshman year wanted to get together to celebrate.

It was kindof a dramatic thing, with plans changing all over the place. We were supposed to be at a cabin on the Olympic peninsula, but the cabin got snowed in, so we went to the Oregon Coast instead. Then the day before as left one friend canceled because she was pregnant and felt like there was too much Covid running around to fly, another one canceled because  she got covid. One friend almost didn’t make it because the snow was bad where she was driving from so she and the other friend didn’t make it to the beach until 9pm. And then there was me, that was at the airport at 4am and was wiped out the entire trip for not sleeping. Then there was a tsunami warning, which was super fun as were literally staring at the water from the window in our house, wondering how seriously we needed to take this.

But it was fun, it was really good to hang out with girls that I’ve been friends with for over two decades. Also, we were at the coast and the Oregon Coast is wonderful.

Liz and Marissa wanted to go to mass before we left (they couldn’t miss the opportunity to go to mass without any kids!), so I got to sit in the beach and read a book for awhile, all by myself. It was amazing.

It was a perfect getaway and just what I needed, since as soon as I got home, covid found us…


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