Spring Break
This last week has been spring break. Seriously, spring break is way more fun when you’re not the one who has to figure out what your kids are going to do to stay out of trouble while you’re working… Now that Bella is 16, she can get an actual job, so she started working at daycare. This was her first week, which meant that she had to do all of the paperwork, which caused all sorts of drama. But at least she has a job, a way to earn money and a place to go both for spring break and for the summer. Gabe, on the other hand, does not. The church his school is at put on a VBS for four days, so he went to that, but they were done at 12. Normally he’s done with school at noon, but he goes over to my friend Angela’s house for a couple of hours. However, she has five kids, and the big ones were all also at VBS and her husband was out of town for a funeral, so she didn’t have enough seats to take Gabe to her house. So my schedule for this week has been too work for home from 7-7:30am, then...