Bella turned 16 yesterday. It’s crazy how fast life goes. She was 4 when Pat and I started dating, 7 when we got married. And now she’s old enough for a drivers license.

She left the morning of her birthday, so we went out to celebrate on Saturday night. We got pho, her favorite, and then we went and got froyo.

Josy did think the froyo was a bit cold. Granted, he had too big of a bite in his mouth and rather than take it out, he held it in his mouth telling “cold!!”

He then drank everyone’s last drops from their cups, collected them all and threw them away for us.

She was super excited for her present. I’d actually bought this for her back in November and then a month ago she mentioned that she wanted it for her birthday. Perfect!

Then on her actual birthday, we made egg sandwiches (even though she wasn’t around for it) since that was what she requested for her birthday dinner for multiple birthdays in a row. I can’t make egg sandwiches without thinking about her birthday.


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