Our Day

Sometimes I need to just write down all of the craziness of my life so that I can remember these days in the future. Because life is crazy and two little boys are dramatic and entertaining and that doesn’t even include the drama of a teenager, so happens to be out of town right now. And these things aren’t bad, they’re just life.

We have all been rotating who had been sick since we got covid mid-January. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I have been home with sick kids a lot and while it’s nice that I can work from home, I really prefer to be in the office and too many days working from home is really hard on my head. So I’m ready for all of these illnesses to be better so that life can go back to normal. Last week I was Monday because I was sick, in the office Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday I left for the afternoon because I’d had some cysts on my head removed so I had a headache and needed to lay down, and I was home with sick kids in Friday. I literally was in the office for 2.5 days during the busiest time of the year.

So I was excited yesterday morning to finally go to work and to have all of my kids healthy. Then last night at dinner, Josy did not eat dinner, not even rice. He just laid there pathetically. I asked him if he wanted to go straight to bed and he told me yes. As I put his jammies on, I realized that his whole body felt really warm. He and I had a very long snuggle as I put him to bed. Once he was finally down, I was rather bummed, thinking that I was going to be working from home with a sick kid, yet again.

This morning I decided that Josy needed to sleep in, so I started working from home at 7 to get in as much time as possible in. When it was time to go to school, Josy was still in bed, so I had the neighbor girl come over and hang out so that I could take Gabe to school. Then she and I talked for a couple of minutes and then I went back to work. When Josy got up, he was totally fine, so I got him ready for school.

I managed to get into the office at 10:30. Luckily I’d put in a bunch of time earlier or I would have gotten hardly any work in at all today. I’d also gotten an email from IT that my laptop that I’d spilled coffee on in January was back, so I brought in my loaner to swap out. I ran into the IT guy on the street corner on my way in and we made a plan to meet up at 1. That was a great plan, but by the time I’d gotten everything configured again on my old (new?) laptop in his office, then I still had to go back to my office and do a bunch more stuff. By the time that I had to leave to get Gabe, it wasn’t ready so I decided to take advantage of the fact the weather was nice and to take the afternoon off. I picked up Josy and headed out to get Gabe. When I got to Angela’s house, she and a friend were headed out to the park so we ended up joining them.

We had a lot of fun at the park, but it was cold. Really cold. But we were having fun, so we kept playing. But by the time we got home, the boys only had the energy to sit on the tv and even forgotten that I’d promised then hot chocolate to warm up.

Dinner was leftovers, so that was handy, but Gabe was so exhausted that we weren’t sure if he was sick or tired. I literally thought he would fall asleep at the dinner table. Then suddenly Josy looked funny and I asked if he was pooping. He said he wanted to sit on the potty, so I took him to the bathroom…only to have him poop in the potty!! Pat and I made a huge deal out of it and even gave him a special cookie for being such a big boy. I have no idea if this will make any difference on whether or not he’s ready to start using the potty regularly, but it’s worth a try!

And now boys are in the bathtub and are finally nice and warm.

It wasn’t a completely day, it’s just that life is crazy and I know that it won’t always be like this. Someday it won’t be nearly as noisy. But this is where we are right not.


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