A Random Collection of Pictures

This is going to just be a random collection of pictures, but I’m not sure how else to catch up…

Josy had a rough day at school. He got hit in the head by a soft banana and obviously needed a band aid. He’s been wearing the band aid for most of a week and refuses to take it off.

The boys love it when we make ice cream…

Trying to figure out how much snow there is outside.

Snuggles with Daddy

I finished the quilt wall hanging that I’ve been working on for a year and a half.

Usually I take morning snuggle pictures. This one was bedtime snuggles.

He insisted on helping me scrape off the car.

I moved offices and the boys helped me move my stuff. And my helped, I mean that they found curtain rods to play with. They wanted to bring them home and I shut that down real quick.

We painted the boy’s bedroom. Josy still had paint in his hair two weeks later…

Gabe loves turned the knex into all sorts of creative things.

He never laid on the back of the couch until we rearranged the living room…

One of them is happier about this than the other one…

He’s gotten super excited about helping make dinner.

Gabe loves both of his cats. I’m not convinced they share his love.

Pat brought back a bunch of his GI Joes from his parents house. All three of them were entirely too excited about this.

So excited, in fact, that none of them wanted to come to dinner.

The street was clear and the weather was reasonable, so naturally Gabe wanted to play ball.



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