Rough Night

Poor Josy had a rough night. There’s a lot of transition in his little life and I’m guessing that’s what it was, but still. He was struggling. But the conversations we’re had were really entertaining…

These were all things I texted to Pat today:

Josy is upset because I won’t let him drink water out of a shot glass and he must drink water out of a little tiny cup with a handle!!!

Now he’s upset because “remember the too small jacket that keeps rain off of you and has sharks in it? I want it back!”

J: I don’t want to go in the woods anymore.

M: Why is that?

J: I’m afraid a monster will get me.

M: Oh. Okay.

G: If you see a monster, just smack it in the nose.

J: But then it’ll eat my hand!

G: Then make friends with the monster.

J: But then it’ll eat me when I snuggle with it!!

And then Josy bursts into tears.

Then he and I dropped Gabe off and he wanted to beat Daddy home. He spent the entire drive telling me to drive faster. But when we got home, Daddy was already there. He was so upset that I had to carry him in the house in tears.

Then at dinner he told me that he wanted to get a new house. When I asked why, he told me that he didn’t like the silver truck. He wanted a red Jeep instead. I had to explain that even if we got a new house, that wouldn’t change what color Dad’s truck was…

And in other funny conversations, Gabe found out when Aunt Jan was born. He asked her if she was alive in World War II. She told him it was a little after World War II. He responded with “So you were alive during the Cold War.” Apparently he doesn’t understand that Pat and I were both alive during the Cold War…


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