Biking to School

Gabe got a new bike. Apparently he’s done a while lot of growing since last year, so it was definitely time for a bigger bike.

He loves it. And is so much easier for him to ride, rather than trying to keep up on the little tiny one.

He loves it so much that he’s been begging me to let him ride his bike to school. Today the weather was nice and the schedule worked out, so we got up early and left the house at 7.

I picked Josy up out of his bed and plopped him in the trailer and told him to keep sleeping. At one point he told me he was cold… We stopped him off at his friends house on the way, which gave Gabe and I a nice break too.

Gabe did great. He did have one problem though. His hands were cold and the gloves he was wearing had no grip, so he couldn’t change gears. There were two pretty impressive hills and the poor kid was stuck in 5th gear the whole time! We ended up walking up the hills, which didn’t bother me at all…

But we made it! He was worn out, but it was almost 4 miles and it took us 55 minutes, but he did it! I was super proud of him.


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