Day 53: So Many Exciting Things!

So many exciting things happened today!

First of all, Pat and Bella came up for the weekend. Bella hadn't seen Gabriel since Christmas, when he was about half the size he is now. Secondly, I got to go back into the NICU and see my baby, which was wonderful!

Thirdly, Gabe got his first real bath. Up until now he's had cotton ball baths. Today he got a sit-in-a-tub-of-water bath. He hated it. Maybe he'd like it more if I got him a rubber ducky to play with...

But the really unexpected part of the day, was that they took him off of the bubble CPAP and put him on the high flow nasal cannula! This means that he doesn't have to wear the prongs or the cannulade and we can actually see what his cute little face looks like! So far, he looks like his Uncle Nathan, but we'll see how long that lasts...
If his little body doesn't tolerate the nasal canula they'll put him back on the CPAP for a bit, but I'm hoping we don't have to do that. He's much happier without those big prongs in his nose.


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