Day 88: Dad's First Bottle

Today was an exciting day. First of all, Pat flew in last night and when we got to the hospital, he got to give Gabe a bottle for the first time. Every time I've fed him, I've breastfed him. The nurses have given him bottles when I'm not around, but this was the first time that one of us has given him a bottle. He ate the whole thing!
After that, Pat and I went to an infant CPR class. We had to watch a video where people were discovering their babies in situations where they needed CPR and it nearly made me cry multiple times. Hopefully I will never need to use those skills...

Uncle Tim came to visit this afternoon and they got some good snuggle time in. I think Uncle Tim is smitten too...


  1. He still looks so small in dads hands! Uncle Tim looks a lot like grandpa Ted...I hope Gabe wasn't confused! :-)


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