I Love Lucy

Poor Gabe got his shots today so he was, well, rather cranky and whiny. It was pretty understandable, but it meant a lot of wimpering and snuggling. Poor kid!

As such, today seemed like a good day to introduce Bella to some classics. We found some Shirley Temple shorts and some Three Stooges. Then we found I Love Lucy. I'd forgotten how funny that show was. It made Bella laugh hysterically and the neighbor girl came to play and instead she sat down to watch with us.

After a couple of episodes I put Gabe on the floor to do some tummy time while I worked on dinner. A moment later, I heard Gabe laughing. I figured that Bella or Sara had picked him up and was making funny faces at him. Nope! He had rolled over so that he could see the tv better and was laughing at I Love Lucy. The kid has good taste!


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