Alaska Day

It's been quite the day... First of all, it's Alaska Day, so the kids and I all had the day off. We had big plans to make baby food and do art projects all day. It was going to be lovely!

Last night, I decided that it was time to change my dressing on my foot and take a shower. Pat and I carefully unwrapped my foot, so that we could rewrap it afterwards. We got my foot fixed back up and it all felt good. When Gabe woke up at 11:30, I got up and fed him and my foot felt fine. I was able to walk without the boot and it was great. A couple of hours later, Gabe woke up again and I told Pat to get him because my toe was throbbing. By the time that Pat came back in the room, my toe was on fire. It felt like it did back when I broke it originally. Pat rewrapped my foot again and we propped it up on a pillow and I was finally able to sleep. A couple of hours later, my foot felt fine so I put it back under the blanket...and it felt like it was on fire again. It was a long night.

This morning I rewrapped by foot four times trying to get it wrapped like it was. I finally got it wrapped enough that I could survive with my boot on, but it still pretty painful.

We went to lunch with my Mom and then we went shopping for baby food supplies. Then Mom stayed with the kids while my Dad and I went to the doctor. (As soon as we got to the doctor, Gabe decided to explode his diaper. Sorry Gram!) The doctor took a few more xrays and found two more fractures in my toes. Now I have two fractures and one chip knocked off my toe. No wonder my toe still hurts...

As such, I'm now in a cast. Lovely.



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