
Yesterday was Halloween. Bella has been talking about being Rey for months. I think she decided to be Rey before she'd even seen any of the Star Wars movies, which I thought was a little odd, but whatever. She was pretty sure that Gabe needed to be BB8, but I wasn't so sure. I only have a couple of years that I can pick his costume for him and I love little seeing little babies dressed up like animals! Also, I fell asleep during the new Star Wars movie. I should try and watch it again when we're not two weeks out of the hospital... Anyway, that's how we ended up with Rey and a Giraffe!

Both kids got to wear their costume to school and then we went trick-or-treating. Gabe only lasted for a few houses since he refused to keep his shoe on and it was cold. Bella and a couple of friends kept at it for a while longer.

When Gabe and I got home, I took off the puffy part of his costume. He decided to take the rest of it off so that he could eat his pants. Unfortunately, he got stuck...

I tried to take pictures of him before we left for work, since that was the only time that I was guaranteed that there would be no spitup all over him. He was more concerned about eating the hanger...

 Now he's eating all of the Halloween candy that I so brilliantly left on the floor...

I really should go stop him. He took a piece of candy and is making a run for it...



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