More Ear Drama

Poor Gabe is still having ear issues. After his last eardrum explosion, he got the antibiotic shots, which were amazing. They kicked the infection instantly and I thought the whole thing was over. Two weeks later we had a followup appointment to make sure that all was well. Unfortunately, he had a bunch of fluid behind his ears yet again. It wasn't a full infection, but she was concerned. 

That night Gabe was awake every hour and had a fever. I called the pediatrition and she met me at the office on a Saturday to look at his ears, where she declared that he definitely had an ear infection now. That's his third ear infection in six weeks.

Today we had an appointment with the ear doctor and Gabe needs tubes. He'll be having the surgery tomorrow morning.

We have to be at the hospital at 7:15 and he can't have anything to eat after midnight. This could be an interesting morning. I think I'll wake him up at 11:30 and feed him...


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