Happy Halloween!

Okay, so I'm a few days late on my Halloween post. Dealing with jet lag is not fun and both Pat and I have been in a fog for a few days. Luckily we're starting to get out of it.

Halloween morning, Gabe's class went trick or treating where several of the parents worked. The babies, the toddler and the preschoolers all paraded through the halls and it was adorable!

Unfortunately, I can't post pictures of all of the other kids. You'll just have to trust me that they were cute!

Gabe figured out how to trick or treat rather quickly. He'd walk up and hold out his hand and they'd give him the bowl of candy. Then all of the kids would go and put the candy in one of the daycare ladies plastic bag, so that she could "hold" it all for them. Anyway, Gabe figured out this whole system so well that when one of the ladies walked by holding her banana bread, he couldn't figure out why she wouldn't share when he was holding his hand up and everything.

After work, I took the kids to a carnival at one of the local churches. It was a great carnival! They had all sorts of games and prizes. They had a photobooth, whichbis where I got my official picture of my peacock and my dragon.

Gabe's favorite part was the carwash. They had a whole bunch of little cars that you could ride through an obstacle course. He had to be pushed because his legs are too short, but he didn't mind.

When we left, it was time for Gabe to head to bed, so Bella went out trick or treating with her friends. Pat and I sat on the couch to talk and promptly fell asleep. We woke up when the girls came to trick or treat at our house, which was conveniently time for her to come home anyway.

Then Pat and I did something that we've never done before. We told Bella to take a shower and then make sure all the lights were off before she went to bed. And then we went to bed. I think I heard the shower turn off before I fell asleep.

I've never gone to bed before my daughter before (other than birthday party sleepovers). But jet lag is stupid and we couldn't stay up for another minute...


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