My Silly Child...

More funny Gabe moments... Seriously, is this entire blog turning into funny things he says???

M: Gabe, we’re not going to name the baby Santa, but do you have any other idea for names for the baby?
G: Yes. Blippi.
M: Okay. We’re not going to name the baby Blippi. Anything else?
G: How about Candy Cane? Or Cake? Actually, Cake.

Then today he told me he wanted to name him Bob Bartlett or Ernest Gruening. (Our first senators)


G: Do bakers talk?
M: Yes. Bakers are regular people, they just like to bake things.
G: Like Sandwiches? And gingerbreadmans?
M: Yes
G: Do they catch the gingerbreadmans?
M: Uh, only when they try and run away?


I was leaving the gas station and put the car in drive before it was on, so the car beeped and refused to turn on.
G: Mommy, did the car just beep?
M: Yes, I just jumped the gun.
G: You have a gun?
M: No, I mean that I did things out of order.
G: With a gun?
So, I explained to him about starting a race and shooting the gun into the air so people know when to start running.
G: Mommy, can you get me a gun so I can shoot it in the air so we can run?
M: ...


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