2 Months Old

I have no idea how Josy is now two months old. That is just crazy... And to honor the milestone, he decided to roll over for the first time last night. I am definitely not ready for him to be a mobile baby. That is just unacceptable. Other than that, he’s a pretty happy little guy. He’s definitely discovered smiling and there is no shortage of people in this house to make funny faces at him to get him to smile. That said, the other day he was smiling and cooing at a stuffed monkey, so he doesn’t have very discerning tastes quite yet. He’s officially up to 11lbs 6oz. I just checked Gabe’s baby book and he was 11lbs 4oz at 2 months adjusted. As much as I keep saying that Josy is a chunk, he’s really almost exactly where Gabe was. That said, his 3 month clothes are almost too small and I know that Gabe was wearing 3 months clothes at 9 months (5 adjusted), so maybe he has a long torso? There’s no way he’ll fit these clothes for another 3 months. I’m tempted to pull out 6 month clothes...