
I’ve got a few posts to catch up on, so maybe sitting on a boat is a good time to do that...

On Wednesday, Gabe and I went fishing. We left Josiah with Gram and he and I had a special date (with Gramps and Uncle Dick and Aunt Hilary...). The fish were definitely biting and Gabe managed to catch his very first fish ever! He was so proud. We even cooked it for dinner last night and he was super excited to eat his tasty fishy.

Gramps and Uncle Dick each caught a fish too, so it was a good day on the water. Plus, Gabe found a little tiny fishy in the bucket on the boat and decided to carry it around. He spent a lot of time petting it and talking to it. “I love my fishie. He’s my best friend.”

Meanwhile, Josy got to have some extra Bryson snuggles.


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