Quite a Week
It’s been quite a week over here. I knew it was to be. There was no way it could not be. But still… Now that Gabe is in kindergarten and doesn’t go to daycare anymore, my entire schedule has gotten complicated. I drop him off at school in the morning, then I drop Josy off at school and work for a few hours. After school he goes to a friend’s house for a couple of hours and then I pick him up and work from home for the rest of the afternoon. Pat’ll pick up Josy from school. It’s crazy, but I think it’ll work. Plus, we’re have no daycare options for Gabe in the afternoons and it’ll mean that I’m home when Bella gets home from school too. However, this schedule gets significantly more complicated when Pat is out of town for work and I get to pick up Josy also. That’s what happened the week. I knew things were going to be crazy, so I spent all Sunday afternoon making freezer meals. I figured that was the only way that I’d be able to feed my family. Also, a friend of mine was having surgery...