
I’ve posted a lot about Gabe over the last couple of weeks, but that’s because starting kindergarten is huge and I’m not okay with it…

However, my other son has also been doing some pretty amazing things too.

He’s determined to start potty training. I’m definitely not ready for this and I’m not starting this process this week while we’re starting school, but next week he might get to start wearing undies over his diaper as we get this whole process started. But last night he wanted to sit on the potty, so I let him and he pooped!! He’s ready for this. I’m not, but he is.

We had some extra time to do puzzles before bed last night. Gabe picked the puzzle and I was all prepared to help Josy get a letter or two in, but I didn’t have to. The kids put in at least 5 letters all by himself without me even giving him a hint on where they go.

Last night he found his slippers that Great Gram bought him, announced they were “pip pops” and insisted on wearing them to bed. We had to have a long conversation this morning about not wearing your flip flops outside and they are now sitting by the door, waiting for him to get home to put them back on.

He insisted on leaving the house like this this morning. Apparently he’s planning on being cold??

His language is exploding. The lifting of the mask mandate made a huge difference in his speech (although now that it’s back, we’ll see what happens…). He loves to point at things that we walk past and announcing what they are. “Doggie. Ait der. House. Ait der.” (Right there.) He smacked his water bottle on the car and told me “bonky bonk. Wa ba bonky bonk.” (Bonkity bonk is what I tell him when he bonks something, wa ba is water bottle.) He still calls things by the sound they make (“ding dong, ait der” when he sees a bell), but he had started saying “Ucy” rather than “meow” when he sees Lucy. He’s been good at saying Bella for a long time (although he had to stick his tongue out when he does it…), but now he’s started calling Gabe Bello, which took me a bit, but I think it’s actual Biel, as in Gabriel. Gabe is not impressed and keeps telling him to call him Gabey…

Don’t get me wrong, he’s still very much in the “all words must be interpreted by Mommy” phase, but he’s finally gotten the hang of talking and it’s a lot of fun.

He finally pooped his last tooth this morning! For months he has had three bottom teeth. Not four. His molars came in, his canines came in, but still he just had the notion from teeth. Weirdest teething ever! This tooth should have been tooth number 5 or 6. Instead it’s tooth number 16.

I was so sad the other day about missing Gabe on our walks through the Capitol every morning, but Josy had instantly picked up on it and came up with a bunch of new traditions. He insists on pretending to have a flag when we pass the flag pictures. He makes us “watch. Movie.” at each of the screens with the daily calendar on it. We have to walk sideways up the overpass. And we have to go sit in the House gallery (something I had never done until this week…).

He’s growing into such an awesome, silly little guy. We love him so much.


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