The Last Two Weeks

The last two weeks have been a little crazy…

We got home late last Sunday night. So all last week revolved around unpacking and cleaning. I like to leave the house clean when I leave so that it’s more pleasant to come home to. But I left four days before everyone else and no one else in my family shares that desire… So the house was a mess, the bills needed paid since it was the first of the month, there was National Night Out and Pat went out of town for three days for work. Friday morning Bella woke up with a sore throat and a stuffy nose, so we all stayed home Friday (which actually worked out well since I got a lot of cleaning done around the house…). Josy also had a stuffy nose, so they both got Covid tests and Bella slept all day. Literally…

Saturday morning the tests all came back negative, so Pat took the boys to soccer and haircuts, I took a quilting class with my mom and Bella slept all day. By the time I was home, I’d caught their bug and just wanted to sleep all day too, but that doesn’t work as well when you’re the mama… Sunday morning we were all supposed to go fishing, but I wasn’t sure that Josy and I should be on the water all day, so Pat and Gabe went and Josy and I stayed home. It turns out that a quiet day at home was exactly what I needed to be good enough to go to work on Monday. Also, Pat and Gabe ended up with three fish and Gabe caught his first coho.

This week was all about the appointments. There were haircuts and dentist appointments and speech therapy and high school registration and the list could go on. There was something dramatic and complicated happening every single day. Also, Josy popped his two bottom canines, which probably explains his runny nose. He now has all of his teeth, except for one of his bottom front teeth. He has three, not four. Lets hope that one shows up eventually because as soon as those canines are in fully, he’s going to look really funny missing that tooth…

I’ve also spent all well stressed out about school. Since Bella was transferring in from another district, they didn’t have her records, so they couldn’t sign her up for classes and since she has some special requirements for her classes, I needed to actually talk to people to get her all in the correct spot. I called multiple times trying to get things figured out and I’m sure they’re tired of seeing my name shows up on the caller ID, but I finally talked to them yesterday and she is now in the correct classes, which is good since school starts on Monday… Meanwhile, I had Gabe all figured out for kindergarten only to discover this week that he’s in the wait list for the after school program, and if he doesn’t get into that then we have to switch which school he goes to, which will switch which day he starts school, as well as the school supplies that he needs (that I’d already bought…). So, it’s been a pretty stressful week… Oh, and Pat’s birthday was this week too.

I also took very few pictures, which probably tells you how complicated the last two weeks have been…

Lucy missed us. A lot. And she completely freaked out when Pat left on his work trip…

Gabe spent a day with Gram and came hone with an earring…

Josy got new undies. He’s definitely ready for potty training. I’m not ready, but he is. He pulled them out of the package and said “undies!” and insisted on wearing them.

They all did so good at the dentist! Josy even did well, even if he had to sit on my lap for his cleaning.


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