RV Trip: Day 11

I don’t think we could have been any happier about life than to wake up in Sisters, rather than Crater Lake. It felt like a crazy, surreal dream…

But I was determined to explore Sisters and given the fact that Josy woke up early and Pat was still sleeping, I decided that the best option was to take Josy on a donut run, in part so that we wouldn’t wake up everyone else. Then as we were walking out the door, Gabe woke up, so I took him too. It ended up being a good thing I did, because holding Josy’s hand and two coffees and a box of croissants would have just not worked…

We got to the bakery/coffee shop and picked out some delicious looking croissants. Josy decided that he couldn’t wait and ate his in the store. This caused us a few problems later, when he couldn’t figure out why he didn’t get to eat everyone else’s also…

Timmy took the credit for buying breakfast.

Walking back to the rv was significantly more complicated. Gabe had to carry the box, which was very exhausting and we had to take lots of breaks. I tried holding the box on top of the coffees, but then when I tried to grab Josy’s hand, Pat’s hot coffee got dumped down my shirt. Luckily when it landed on the ground it was open side up, so he only lost a little coffee. But then I was wet for the rest of the trip home. Then Josy didn’t want to walk across the bridge and the only way I got him to move was that a guy with a dog walked by on the other side of the street and I excitedly pointed out the dog. Josy got excited and ran into the street to see the dog and the guy picked that moment to walk my direction in order to corral Josy for me. Lets just say that I informed Pat that it was going to be the best cup of coffee of his life and I would hear nothing different out of him.

We finally ate our breakfast and got dressed and headed out to explore. Our first stop was Tumalo Falls. It was a bit complicated to get out there, given the fact that we were both pretty paranoid about the rv, it was a gravel road and there was no rv turnaround at the parking lot. Pat ended up driving down the road backwards for a long time, but luckily he does that for his job, so it was just fine. But we made lunch as soon as we got there in order to settle our rv-related nerves.

After lunch, Bella chose to stay in the rv again and the rest of us went exploring. Unfortunately, we had to park so far away that half of our hiking time was spent on the road getting to the parking lot to start hiking. But we made it up to the waterfall.

Then we were told that there was a trail to go down behind the waterfall. We almost made it, but with two little kids, including one who likes to push rocks down cliffs with his feet, we didn’t make it all the way and turned around. We got pretty close though.

Then we drive into Bend and did some shopping in the Mill District, before getting ice cream and heading back to Sisters for a nice quiet evening.

I mean, that’s what the plan was. Instead we discovered that someone else was in our rv spot. I checked my reservation only to discover that I’d booked for the wrong two days and we legitimately did not have a spot. There was no spot in this campground and there was only one other campground and they weren’t answering their phones. We drive there and the sign on the window said that if they were closed to just pick a spot and leave cash in the slot. We did that and I was just getting dinner ready when the manager showed up and said that we couldn’t park there. Luckily she had another spot, but we had to pack up the whole rv in order to drive to the other side of the park and at this point I’d hit the end of my rope. All of the stress of the last three days came crashing down and I kicked all of the kids out of the rv so that I could cry and make dinner in peace. It may not have been my finest moment, but there what needed to happen right then. Having to move the rv was the straw that broke the camels back. Luckily, I had a good cry and some dinner and then life was better again. But it was definitely a rough evening…


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