Apparently not??

I thought this week was going to be a bit calmer. Sure Pat is still waiting 6 10s, so “calm” was a relative term, but no. That is not how this week worked out…

Monday wasn’t too bad, realistically. Except that my friend that had surgery fell and can’t get off the couch for another week, so after work I took her more freezer meals and Pat dropped off a load of groceries. Also, Josy refused to put on a diaper, so I guess we’re starting out training early. And Josy gets irrationally excited about overnight oats, just like his daddy… “onite oats!”

Tuesday was when things started getting interesting… When Josy got up, he had a fever. I don’t know exactly how high it was because he refused to let me hold the thermometer in his mouth until it beeped, but I managed to see the number 101, so it was at least that high. All he wanted to do was lay there.

Since a fever is a legit covid symptom, I scheduled him a covid test and made the other two stay home. Bella was so excited that she went back to bed and didn’t get up until 11:30… Gabe was bummed, but the weather was nice and he decided to do some bike riding practice. Josy slept for 4.5 hours, which meant that I got a lot of work in while keeping an eye on Gabe in the yard.

We now have a bike rider! He was a little apprehensive at first, having trouble getting started and turning, but he got it down. At one point he rode straight into the ditch. I went to pull him out and he said that his knee hurt. I asked if he wanted to sit in the couch for a bit and he told me no, that he wanted to keep going and not get up. I was super proud of him.

This happened. I’m still not sure how. No one touched them. They did it all by themselves.

So we made banana smoothies.

Poor little Josy did not feel good when he woke up from his nap. He sat on my lap for a very long time, not wanting to move. He was clearly sick.

His test came back negative, so on Wednesday I sent the other two kids to school. Well, it gets more complicated than that. Since my surgery friend can’t drive, she can’t take her daughter to high school. So Pat dropped her off on his way to school at 6:45. Then her other two kids are doing an activity before school (so they can’t take the bus…), so Bella got up at 6:50 to walk then to the school. Then she came back and went back to bed. Then I got up and took Gabe to school while Josy and Bella slept. When I got home, Bella was up and getting ready for school herself. Once she left, I heard Josy. I went in to get him, assuming that he’s still be sick. Instead he told me “light on” and then sat down to play, totally fine.

I called his school to find out when I could bring him back and they told me 72 hours post-fever, unless I had a doctors note. Then it was 24. So we played in the morning and went on a run. Then I let him get as much of a nap in as possible, before waking him up to take him to the doctor. We picked Gabe up at the park on the way. The doctor cleared Josy, but then we had 45 minutes until we needed to go get Bella. So we went to the park and Gabe practiced his bike riding for a long time. Then we got Bella from school and took her to guitar lesson. Since we only had a half hour, the boys and I went to the train at the end of the run way to watch some planes take off.

Then we picked up Bella and headed home, where we decided to take advantage of the last nice day of the summer and deal with some yard with. Bella mowed the lawn and I cleaned up the porch while Gabe practiced riding and Josy ran scared from the lawnmower… Eventually we put dinner in the instapot, and then Aunt Jan and my cousin Joe stopped by. Meanwhile, Pat was still at work. We finished dinner and I got the boys to bed. Then life got really complicated as my car needed to go in for an oil change the next day. But with Pat working early and dropping off the other kid at school, we needed to drop off the car that evening. So I walked over to surgery friend’s house and picked up her car. Then I called a friend, who met me at the mechanic and gave me a ride home. And then Pat got home at 9:45.

It was quite the day…

Thursday ended up being much easier. We still had our morning shuffle to get all the extra kids to school, but then I took both boys to school. I even got a cute picture of Josy at school.

Oh, and he felt good enough to ride his bike around, while dragging Blanket, because you must have Blanket with you at all times.

Thursday evening we are leftover and went to small group and it was nice and quiet and drama free. Lucy thought it was exhausting, though, as she just needed to sleep the day away.

Josy put Blanket on top of Lucy and was very proud of himself. I had to pull the blanket back to even find her in there. But really, would there be a more comfy place to sleep??

Friday Josy had a rough morning. He insists on putting his mask on as soon as we get out of the car. I let him wear it, since I’m trying very hard to not turn the mask into a fight, but I’m sure I get all sorts of nasty looks as I’m walking around outside without a mask on while I’m making my toddler wear one. They don’t know that sometimes we aren’t even out of the car when he yells “Mask. On!”

We got into the capitol building and I ordered some breakfast. The chef was super fast and handed it to me while I was standing there, so she gave Josy a pack of crackers. (She really loves Josy!!) He then marched into the House gallery like normal. I told him that he couldn’t eat in the gallery, but he could hold the crackers. Then I realized that the crackers were leaking, so we needed to leave. One of the pages was there and said that we could eat them in the other room. Josy happily followed her. She mentioned that she was headed that way anyway to get a cup of coffee. Josy sat down with his crackers and she got her coffee and went back to her office. Josy burst into tears. “My. Coffee! My. Coffee!” I told him that no, it was her coffee. Then a friend of mine walked in and I told her the whole story. He looked at her and sadly said “Her. Coffee.”

The rest of the day was uneventful. It was nice to end the week a little bit calmer than it started…


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