The Last Month

The month of September had been pretty rough around here. Pat’s work schedule has been crazy, so we haven’t seen much of him, which means that everything falls on me…

The first week of school, Pat was it off town for work. This meant that I have to drop Gabe off at school, the Josy, work for a few hours, pick up Gabe from a friends house, work from home for a couple of hours, then go get Josy. Then there’s all the normal evening things, like making dinner. I still don’t get an entire 7.5 hours in every day, but I’m pretty close, as long as I don’t have to take anyone to speech therapy or the dentist or stop to get a coffee. It’s a good thing that Bella takes the bus… Anyway, so Pat was out of town the first week of school. Then he had three weeks of working 6 10s, which means that he’s off to late to pick up Josy, so I still have to leave “work” early and he works all day Saturday. On the last Saturday of that (the day Freddy showed up), he was supposed to get home at 4:30, but then there was a work emergency and he didn’t get home until 9:45, then he worked on Sunday from 6am-8:15pm and was at the airport at 5am on Monday for another out of town work trip.

Meanwhile, Laurie showed up with Freddy on Saturday, just as Gabe and I came down with a cold. We got negative Covid tests, so at least we weren’t stuck at home, but we still didn’t feel good. Then Monday afternoon I found out that one of the kids in Gabe’s class tested positive, so his classroom was shut down for three days. Tuesday morning Laurie left. Gabe and I were home for three days (plus another Covid test for him). Friday he went back to school and Cathy showed up. Then Josy got the cold. Saturday Pat got home and a few hours later he got the cold. So Sunday we all stayed home (except for another round of Covid tests…) and Cathy left on Monday.

It’s been chaos. But now we’re on the other side of it. Pat’s back to working regular hours, which means that he can pick up Josy in the afternoons. The colds are still hanging on, but we’re mostly feeling better.

But that’s why you haven’t heard much from me in the last few weeks…


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