
Back in July, when we were in Oregon stay with Auntie Laurie and Uncle Nathan, they had a little of foster kittens. Gabe fell in love with a little black kitten named Ketchup. However, Ketchup already had a home lined up and he was already living there when we passed through on our way home.

Gabe spent the last two months talking about his much he loved Ketchup and he missed him and he wanted to visit him.

Then two weeks ago tomorrow, I got a message from Laurie asking if we wanted Ketchup. Apparently his current family had a sudden, serious health crisis and needed to find a new home. Any other kitten and we wouldn’t have agreed to it. But it was Ketchup.

So three days later, I was booking a flight for Laurie to fly up with Ketchup to surprise the kids. It was seriously the best surprise ever.

Gabe instantly recognized him and was super excited. Once I told him that we were keeping him (and Lucy), he decided that he could live in his room. Bella insisted that he live in her room, so the comprise was neither of their rooms…

So far, he’s a pretty wonderful little kitten and we are super excited that too have him around. Well, most of us are. Lucy is not impressed. She’s quite convinced that we have singlehanded ruined her life.

He chases are around the house wanting to play and she is not having it.

We did decided to change his name. He is officially Sir Frederick Ketchup the Cat, but we call him Freddy. Gabe still calls him Ketchup and Josy calls him Wucy. Apparently all cats are called Lucy, or Meow, in Josy’s head.

But everyone loves him. He snuggles up on your lap and goes to sleep all the time and he’s the best. There may even be some fighting over who gets to hold him and play with him…

Officially Freddy is everyone’s cat. But realistically, he’s Gabe’s cat. Gabe has even told me that “I like Ketchup more than I like Lucy.” I’m pretty that’s just because he’s new, but I think he’ll always realistically be Gabe’s kitty.

So it totally makes sense that he sleeps in Gabe’s pirate hat.


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