Lots of Pictures

Dang, I hang a lot of pictures to catch up on. Be warned, this could get long…

I don’t even remember why he was doing this, but I turned around to this and it was super proud of himself.

Silly kid tried to steal my car!!

He’s very into the military right now.

Perry got left up at Grammy’s house the last time that Gabe and Pat went up there. Grammy put it in the mail the next day, but he decided to take the very long way home. Perhaps he was flying himself? It got to the point where we’d started looking for another Perry to replace him… But he finally made it home and we had a very happy little boy.

They look like they want to start a band…

It’s hard to ride on Daddy’s shoulders with his face is covered in “hokey pokeys.”

Sometimes you just need a Mama snuggle.

We went to the bank to get some papers notarized and Josy decided to fill in.

It seemed like a good night for a fire, so naturally someone had to make smores.

He was super proud of himself for doing this puzzle, but you wouldn’t know it…

We decided to walk to the park. Someone insisted on bringing the scooter…and then hitching a ride.

I think he’s trying to start the fire???

Gabe decided to make a boat. He handed me a box, told me exactly where to cut, then sat down to cover it in paper…

…and this was his final product. He did an awesome job.

While he was building a boat, I was off on a training run.

When Daddy is out of town, the only way that we’re can all get out the door is if Josy and I eat breakfast at my office. He really likes this plan.

He picked his own outfit.

While Pat was out of town, I told Gabe that he could sleep with me one night. These are all of the stuffed animals he insisted on bringing with him.

And when I got to bed, I found they’d all been moved to my pillow…

The boys take tea very seriously.

Bella’s early dentist appt means breakfast at the dentist’s office.

Nerf guns have now become part of our life.

Have you seen a weirder way to eat a doughnut???

Throwing rocks in the water with Gram.

Between the two of us, our kids are going to have some pretty epic forehead wrinkles…

My silly boys

We picked Gabe up from school and he insisted on sitting down there. I had to carry his backpack…

What is it with boys and rocks???

Josy found the umbrella and insists on bringing it to school and then helping everyone around him stay dry. He walked his friend to her car so that she could be under the umbrella.

We went to a funeral this week and we carried candles from the chapel in the trees to the columbarium where his ashes were placed with his baby brothers. The picture seemed fitting.

Josy’s version of a tea party.

He may be the only person to sit in the gallery of the House chambers in his jammies.


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