A Family Vacation

Last night we got back from a week long vacation in Oregon. It was a pretty short trip, but it was what we needed. We got to see lots of friends and family, but we also got to spend time together, just the four of us.

First we visited my grandparents, Gram and Gramps. Gabe took a nap on Gram's chest and sang him songs that I remember her singing me when I was a little kid.

I have a picture from when I was a baby and it has Dad, Gramps, Great Granddad and I all sitting on a couch. I think that I should stick it next to this one. We're just missing Dad.

We met up with Uncle Matt for a day and went to OMSI. Bella really likes science, so she really enjoyed it.

We also hiked up Multnomah Falls. It was a lovely hike up, but them it started raining right at the top, which made for a very wet trip down...

The highlight of the trip was Liz and Clay's wedding. It was fun to get to watch such a dear friend get married, plus, it meant that we got to spend lots of time with my college girlfriends.

At one point, Pat went to find Bella and cane back saying that she was bartending at the saloon. Um, what? I went go explore and yes, found a saloon and Bella was the bartender...


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