Off to Hawaii!

On Thursday, the plan was to get off work, finish packing our bags, and get the house clean before running to the airport. Our flight was supposed to leave at 8:50, which is nearly an hour after Gabe’s bedtime, but I figured that we’d make it work. Then we got the notice that the flight was delayed until 10. While that gave us more time to get ready to go, that definitely messed up bedtime... We ended up sitting at the airport for even longer and our flight didn’t leave until 11:45. Gabe was wide awake until halfway through the flight, but at least he did sleep for an hour or so, since we didn’t land until 1:30am... By the time Uncle Tim picked us up and we got to his house, it was 2:30 in the morning...

On Friday, we hung out with Uncle Tim for awhile and had brunch with Grammy and Grampa.

Then Uncle Tim dropped us off at the airport and we were off again.

Gabe slept a bit on the flight, which was nice since he’d hit the meltdown phase, sobbing because his balloon had flown away in the airplane...

We landed in Honolulu at 8:30pm. But by the time we got a rental car and drove to the hotel, it was 10pm and we hadn’t had any food. Needless to say, it was another very late night... 

We all felt much better Saturday morning after getting a bit of sleep. We went down to breakfast...and found Katilyn, Seth, Bryson, Matt, Rachael and Nathan!

After breakfast and checking out of the hotel, we stopped by the beach to wait for Gram and Gramps to fly in.

After playing for awhile, we went to lunch, where we met up with Gram and Gramps. Then we went to Nathan and Cassie’s house so the boys could take naps. Unfortunately, Pat ate something at breakfast that did not agree with him and I ended up taking him to the ER to make sure that there was nothing else going on. So we spent the first day in Hawaii in the hospital for many hours... All is well, in that all of his tests came back fine, but he definitely spent the day very sick.

The kids spent the day playing with all of the Aunts and Uncles. Auntie Rachael and Auntie Cassie took them to the park, which they thought was great.

Once we were finally out of the hospital, we picked up the kids and drove to Kailua, where the rest of the family was waiting at the house we rented for Christmas.

And that’s the first three days of vacation...


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