
Showing posts from January, 2019

A Cake Accident

On Tuesday I decided that we needed to eat coffee cake for dinner (along with quiche.  Not just coffee cake...).  Since Gabe is my little helper (and he heard the word cake), he wanted to help me.  He was watching the mixer and turning it on, as well as helping me dump things into the bowl.  This worked out great until I dumped in a bunch of flour and then walked to the other side of the kitchen.  He turned the mixer on for me, but turned it on full blast.  There was flour everywhere.  To be fair, I had forgotten to tell him to make sure that we only turn it on a little bit... The coffee cake was big hit (as it usually is).  By the time dinner was over, there were only two pieces left.  At breakfast on Wednesday, Gabe looked at the cake and said "Mommy, you didn't eat that cake!  I'm so proud of you!  You didn't eat it with Daddy!"  Then he may have gotten a piece of coffee cake in his lunch... --------------------------...

A Big Boy Bed

I know that I shouldn’t write a bit emotional post like that and then not post again for nearly a week, but I’m going to blame the lovely cold that I got from my dear son... I haven’t coughed nearly as much today, so hopefully I’m finally on the other side of this thing??? The scan went fine. There were no surprises and this kid is all tucked in there nice and cozy. Now he just needs to stay there for another 16 weeks. The biggest news of the week is that Gabe finally moved into a big boy bed! He’s been ready to for quite awhile, it just hadn’t happened yet. He can climb out (and in!), but he was past the point of needed to do it all the time, so we were okay. But this is how he insisted on going to bed every night: This week we finally converted it into a big boy bed. So naturally, he had to sleep with every animal he had... The next morning he told me that some of his animals “tried to escape”, but he “had a chat with them.” He’s done really well. He’s onl...

Week 19

Today I’m 19 weeks 5 days pregnant. In a normal pregnancy, that wouldn’t mean much. Nothing huge happens here. But for me, this was the week that changed everything with Gabe. I was 19w3 the day that I went in for my big ultrasound to find out if we were having a boy or a girl and instead ended up on bedrest with the words “too dire for a medivac” and “go home and wait for him to die” ringing in my ears. 19w5 was when I had my amniocentesis and the doctor used the phrase “your odds were pretty bad before. Now they’re even worse.” And 20w0 was the surgery that wasn’t supposed to work. But God was bigger than all the odds and the surgery worked and we finally had a ray of hope. My 19th week of pregnancy with Gabe was easily the darkest week of our lives. And now I’m 19w5 days again. I can’t help but relive that week. Yes, now I can see that God worked it all out according to His purpose and I can see that we got this amazing miracle little boy, but in that week, we couldn’t see the e...

Sick Day 2

We’re in day 2 of Gabe being sick. He’s probably the sickest I’ve seeen him, but since he doesn’t get sick very often, that’s not saying much...  We’ve spent a lot of time snuggling and watching movies (although not too much snuggling because he’s still a busy little boy, even while sick...). Things have gotten crazy at work, so I’m getting in as much work in as I can from home while he naps. Unfortunately, working from home, during the workday, while pregnant is giving me weird flashbacks to bedrest with Gabe, particularly when I’m two days off of the day when I went on bedrest last time.  Luckily, while Gabe is definitely having some moments of being a sick emotional disaster, he’s still such a sweet little boy. He’s determined to share his veggie straws with me and keeps breaking off pieces and handing them to me. While that’s sweet and all, his hands are germy and they’re stale, so I really don’t want them... In other news, I took him to the doctor this...


I’m sitting in the airport in Kona, waiting for our flight home. So far Gabe is two hours past his bedtime and he didn’t get to nap today since we had to check out of our condo at 10, so he’s walking around like he’s drunk and randomly falling over. It would be entertaining if I wasn’t so read to go to sleep myself... Anyway, we’ve been here a week and I haven’t written hardly anything, so now I get to catch up. We flew in late Sunday night and got our rental car, ate some dinner and went to bed. Monday we found a beach and played for awhile. Then by the time we got a very late lunch and Gabe got a nap, that pretty much took up our entire day... On Tuesday we decided to drive up to Volcano National Park. The drive across the island was absolutely amazing. The sheer quantities of different terrains is crazy. No wonder Hawaii is so popular for filming movies... The park itself was a bit of a letdown. Between the eruption a few months ago and the government shutdown, not m...


I’ll catch up more on the rest of our week in Kona later, but for now I have a bit of news. First of all, today marks 5 years married to this guy: Ironically enough, 5 years ago tonight we were on our way to Hawaii for our honeymoon... Also, 2018 was full of surprises for us: Who knows what 2019 has in store...