Sick Day 2

We’re in day 2 of Gabe being sick. He’s probably the sickest I’ve seeen him, but since he doesn’t get sick very often, that’s not saying much... 

We’ve spent a lot of time snuggling and watching movies (although not too much snuggling because he’s still a busy little boy, even while sick...). Things have gotten crazy at work, so I’m getting in as much work in as I can from home while he naps.

Unfortunately, working from home, during the workday, while pregnant is giving me weird flashbacks to bedrest with Gabe, particularly when I’m two days off of the day when I went on bedrest last time. 

Luckily, while Gabe is definitely having some moments of being a sick emotional disaster, he’s still such a sweet little boy. He’s determined to share his veggie straws with me and keeps breaking off pieces and handing them to me. While that’s sweet and all, his hands are germy and they’re stale, so I really don’t want them...

In other news, I took him to the doctor this week (ironically two days before he got sick...) for his 3-year appointment. He’s now officially up to 23lbs. So basically, he’s still crazy tiny. But other than that, hems perfectly healthy and we have nothing to worry about. He’ll grow eventually, but it might be puberty...

We had a snow day last Friday and school was closed, so Pat stayed home with the kids. They played outside for awhile. Gabe was desperately trying to find his excavators, which are the lumps in the snow...

We continue to have entertaining conversations on the car...

G: I like manlifts. They lift mans high in the sky so they can work all day.

M: Look at that truck. What is it?
G: What is it?
M: It looks like a snowplow truck and a gravel truck.
G: And a watermelon truck.

G: Mommy, I’m gunna go on a helicopter with you and Blippi and Spiderman. Not Bella. Bella go on a helicopter with her friends.
B: Okay.


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