A Big Boy Bed

I know that I shouldn’t write a bit emotional post like that and then not post again for nearly a week, but I’m going to blame the lovely cold that I got from my dear son... I haven’t coughed nearly as much today, so hopefully I’m finally on the other side of this thing???

The scan went fine. There were no surprises and this kid is all tucked in there nice and cozy. Now he just needs to stay there for another 16 weeks.

The biggest news of the week is that Gabe finally moved into a big boy bed! He’s been ready to for quite awhile, it just hadn’t happened yet. He can climb out (and in!), but he was past the point of needed to do it all the time, so we were okay. But this is how he insisted on going to bed every night:

This week we finally converted it into a big boy bed. So naturally, he had to sleep with every animal he had...

The next morning he told me that some of his animals “tried to escape”, but he “had a chat with them.”

He’s done really well. He’s only fallen out of bed once in the middle of the night. And he’s been doing a good job of staying in his bed and not getting up, even though the same cannot be said for his animals...

Bella’s a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters and this week she went over to her Big Sister’s house and play with her new puppy. Since Gabe loves dogs so much, I took him over there to pick her up. Poor Clara wasn’t sure what to do with someone who was nearly his size and could follow him when she tried to hide under the table...

I was stopped at a stoplight when Gabe suddenly yelled “Go Mommy Go! The light is green!” Well, it was green, but it was green for the opposite direction of traffic. Now we have to talk about which light we’re waiting for and which cars are going which direction every time we stop at a stoplight...

School is getting a bit creative on keeping Gabe’s pants up. I got this picture from his daycare lady...


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