Happy Easter

We had a lovely weekend.  On Saturday, Grandpa Phil came over for dinner.  We haven't gotten to see him in awhile, but he was in town for a funeral we got to spend some time with him.  However, by the time Pat dropped him off and then I made a pie and Pat did a bunch of Easter dinner prep, it made for a very late night.  This wouldn't be a huge deal, except that I got to be at church at 8...

This year, the church's Easter offering was going to the Feeding Center in Nicaragua and I was asked to do a presentation at all three services.  Since I can talk about Nicaragua anywhere, anytime, I agreed.  The worst part is that they told me I could only talk for 5 minutes and they wanted pictures, video and a history of how I got involved, as well as information about the Feeding Center.  I'm not sure I quite made the five minute mark, but I think I kept it under seven!

Anyway, I got to be at all three services, while Pat got the kids ready to go.  I did miss out on them opening up their Easter baskets, but Gabe was super excited about his new sunglasses and was very excited to show them to me when he saw me at church.  They even got lost in the nursery, sparking a nursery-wide search until they were founder under a bookcase.  He was pretty confused about the whole Easter Bunny thing though.  I got a very accusing tone when he told me that "Bella called you the Easter Bunny."  I asked if I looked like the Easter Bunny and he said yes.

We spent the afternoon looking for Easter eggs that Gramps had hidden and making dinner.  After dinner we got to video chat with Grammy and Grampa Jim for awhile also.  That was the first time that we've been able to do that, and I think Grampa and Gabe were having fun showing each other toys and making faces at each other.  There are definitely advantages to being able to see each other rather than just talking on the phone.

It was a lovely Easter.  A low key day, but also a chance to remember the resurrection of Jesus.  It was good.


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