This poor blog is getting neglected and there are a few reasons for that. For one, I'm still having trouble finding an app I can use on my phone that will let me nicely upload pictures. I have 5 apps on my phone that will all let me write text, but not a single one will upload a picture. So, I'm still working on that. But beyond that, it seems like there's so much going on, but also not much to write about. It's a weird contradiction. We're slowly getting settle into the house. It's funny how you can buy a house, but once you move in you discover all sorts of funny little things that need dealt with that you didn't notice before. For example, I hadn't paid any attention to the shower curtain rods when we looked at the house. Once we moved in, we discovered that they were both really rusty and gross (one even collapsed on Bella while she was in the shower...). It's not a huge deal, but we had to replace them. And the kitchen s...