
Showing posts from May, 2019

Farm Day

I'm totally late on this post, but a couple of weeks ago it was Farm Day.  I don't know about Bryson, but Gabe was super excited about it.  For most of a week, every morning he asked me what day it was and if we were going to the farm.  If something had happened and we didn't make it, he would have been devastated!  I don't have too many pictures, but here's what I do have.

No Baby

Still no baby.  And I think it's starting to make all of us a bit crazy.  My sister has been dreaming that either she's gone into labor (she's not pregnant) or that Pat delivered our baby at home.  Last night I dreamed that I had the baby, but that Pat had decided to go back to work.  I called him to tell him the baby was here and that he should come to the hospital and he asked if  he could come visit the next day because he was at work.  I told him no, and that he needed to come  to the hospital to see me and the baby now.  He finally showed up about the same time as my parents, my mom's old boss and Nathan's mother-in-law (or grandmother-in-law?) and then he held everyone else's baby, but not ours.  I went looking for him so we could make sure that we were settled on a name and Bella informed me that he'd gone back to work. Let's just say that when I woke up this morning, I informed him that if he was not there when our baby was born bec...

Full Term

Yesterday morning we woke up to Gabe yelling “Guys! You forgot to wake me up! I’m still sleeping!” To be fair, it was an hour and a half later than he normally wakes up, but we had a pretty crazy day planned, so waking up early and going to school and work was not part of the plan. Also, it was really nice that he slept in for us. Yesterday was 37 weeks. Full term! I have no idea how I made it this far. But I’ll take it! So Pat took the day off and we headed to the doctor’s office to have the cerclage removed. Well, that was the plan. On the way to drop Gabe off at school the doctor’s office called and moved us back a couple of hours, so we dropped Gabe off and spent a couple of hours on a mini-date just the two of us. Eventually we got the stitch removed and shockingly, the baby did not instantly fall out (which we sortof assumed based on all the ultrasounds I’ve had for the last five months). So we went on some long walks and now get to just wait. I’ve definitely never had to do...

Picture Catchup

Gabe found a spider.  He had to get the fly swatter, not to kill the spider, but to help carry it outside.  Unfortunately, the spider got squished in the process of getting it on the fly swatter... Gabe spent the night with Gram and Gramps and apparently didn't get enough sleep because he was wiped out for our coffee date after church. Post-nap snuggles with Gramps. Gabe found a "doot-do-da-loo."  He actually had to walk down and doot-do-da-loo in all of them.  It's a good thing they aren't dirty or anything... It was Childcare Worker Appreciation Day, so Gabe and I stopped on the way to school and picked up some flowers for his teachers. Bryson thought my boots were so funny!  I'm impressed that he could even walk in them... For Mother's Day, we went out to the beach and had a picnic.  The boys had a great time playing with rocks, digging in excavators and playing in the sand.  These two are going to have way t...

Catching Up...

This poor blog is getting neglected and there are a few reasons for that.  For one, I'm still having trouble finding an app I can use on my phone that will let me nicely upload pictures.  I have 5 apps on my phone that will all let me write text, but not a single one will upload a picture.  So, I'm still working on that.  But beyond that, it seems like there's so much going on, but also not much to write about.  It's a weird contradiction. We're slowly getting settle into the house.  It's funny how you can buy a house, but once you move in you discover all sorts of funny little things that need dealt with that you didn't notice before.  For example, I hadn't paid any attention to the shower curtain rods when we looked at the house.  Once we moved in, we discovered that they were both really rusty and gross (one even collapsed on Bella while she was in the shower...).  It's not a huge deal, but we had to replace them.  And the kitchen s...

34 Weeks

Today is May 1st.  This is huge.  Back when I found out I was pregnant in October, the thought of actually being pregnant in May was completely out of reach.  There was no way.  But suddenly here we are.  As of today I'm 34 weeks pregnant and the doctor says that if something happens in the next two weeks, he wouldn't necessarily automatically medivac me.  I've reached the point where I might actually be able to do this here.  After everything that happened with Gabe, I'm not sure I can even process that. It's very strange to actually be this pregnant.  Pat and I actually get to sit on the couch in the evenings and feel the baby kick and move.  He didn't get to do that with Bella because they were in the middle of extreme marital drama.  We didn't get to do that with Gabe because he was born so early.  So here, on kid number three, we actually get to feel him kick, talk to him and take time throwing out names.  I know that's ...