Catching Up...

This poor blog is getting neglected and there are a few reasons for that.  For one, I'm still having trouble finding an app I can use on my phone that will let me nicely upload pictures.  I have 5 apps on my phone that will all let me write text, but not a single one will upload a picture.  So, I'm still working on that.  But beyond that, it seems like there's so much going on, but also not much to write about.  It's a weird contradiction.

We're slowly getting settle into the house.  It's funny how you can buy a house, but once you move in you discover all sorts of funny little things that need dealt with that you didn't notice before.  For example, I hadn't paid any attention to the shower curtain rods when we looked at the house.  Once we moved in, we discovered that they were both really rusty and gross (one even collapsed on Bella while she was in the shower...).  It's not a huge deal, but we had to replace them.  And the kitchen sink.  And rewire some electrical outlets.  And, and, and...  Luckily, I married a pretty handy guy and he has the ability to do things like rewire lightswitches, it just takes time.  But we're slowly making our way through the list and at this point most of the significant boxes are unpacked and put away.  Yes, we do have a stack of boxes of books and DVDs on one wall, but until we either buy a bookshelf or Pat makes us a fancy new one, they're going to stay there.  They'll be unpacked eventually.

The only room that we haven't touched is the baby's room.  Seeing as this baby is going to show up here very soon, we probably need to work on that one...  However, the people we bought the house from had a murphy bed in that room and they carpeted around it.  So when they took the murphy bed out when they moved, there was a section of carpet missing.  They were going to have it fixed, but ran out of time and just told us that they'd pay to have the carpet guys come and fix it.  They even had a matching piece of scrap carpet that could be used.  Well, it takes time to get the carpet guys to come and take a look at it and by the time that they did, they discovered that the scrap carpet came from a different dye lot, so the carpets didn't match.  Anyway, long story short, that bedroom ended up with completely new carpet, which finally got put in last week.

That room also has a super awesome built in closet organizer, completely with drawers and shelves.  However, in order to put the carpet in, Pat had to rip it out.  He was going to put it back in last weekend, but instead I found a giant play area on Buy Sell Trade and he and Dad spent the afternoon dismantling it at this ladies house so that he could bring it home.  It's not put back together yet, but as soon as he has time, we'll have a super awesome play structure for the boys to play with.  But that meant that the closet didn't get put back together.  He should be able to put it back tomorrow so that I can start organizing the baby stuff this weekend, which will be good as I'm starting to get baby antsy.  Plus, the poor kid has no actual furniture, so the closet is the only place where I can put his stuff...  Right now Gabe still sleeps in the crib (although it's converted to a big boy bed).  My boss is giving us his bunk bed that his son has outgrown, but it just hasn't happened yet and since this one will sleep in a bassinet in our bedroom for a while, it's not a huge issue yet.  But the baby doesn't have a crib in his room.  Gabe also has the dresser with the changing table on top.  I've looked everywhere in town for a reasonable new dresser for Gabe and finally this week just ordered him one.  Once his dresser shows up, we can move his current dresser into the baby's room and put his clothes in there.  But we need a place to put Gabe's clothes first.  So all that to say, there's not much I can do to get this baby's room all set up quite yet.  He does have a toybox, so I guess that's something.  No place to sleep, get clothes or change a diaper, but he does have toys.  Priorities?

Speaking of Gabe, he's been having a rough week.  He's managed to get a UTI and is definitely struggling.  We've washed his sheets more times in the last week than we have since he started potty training at all.  But he's finally on the mend and I'm now letting him sleep with all of his stuffed animals again.  (I'd banned them all for a few nights so that they didn't have to get washed.)  He's definitely acting more like his normal self again, which is good.

Auntie Katilyn and Bryson showed up this week.  They're planning to be here until July (I think?) when Uncle Seth has to start school again.  The boys are super excited to be together again.  It should be a fun summer with them around, particularly since I'll be off work on maternity leave and will get to see them a bit more.

The little guy is still growing.  He's definitely running out of space, but so far he's still staying inside and I'll take it!  I definitely haven't hit the "I'm over it" phase of pregnancy and right now I'm still enjoying every little bit of this.  That said, it's getting hard to roll over to get out of bed in the middle of the night...

I've gone back and forth on whether or not I wanted to take maternity photos.  It was one of the things that I felt like I missed out on because Gabe was born so early.  But then again, we'll take newborn pictures after the baby shows up, and doing two separate photo shoots seems a little silly.  But ultimately, I ended up deciding that we should do this.  This is my third kid and the only time in my life that I'll ever be this pregnant, so we decided to just do it.  Plus, there are some interesting scheduling considerations with doing newborn pictures, so we decided this was a good idea.  Last Saturday morning we got up and headed out to take pictures.  The weather was reasonable in that it wasn't raining.  Unfortunately, it was pretty cold and windy.  We never did get Gabe's coat off and he spent the whole time saying "I'm getting freezing!", but our photographer is pretty awesome and I'm sure she'll be able to turn them into some magical photos.  We did bribe both of the kids with ice cream, which is rather ironic given the fact that they were so cold.  We offered them hot chocolate instead, but they both wanted ice cream.  Silly kids...

And that's the summary of what's going on in our lives right now.  I have a few pictures, but I think I'll have to post them in an entirely different post...


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