Full Term

Yesterday morning we woke up to Gabe yelling “Guys! You forgot to wake me up! I’m still sleeping!”

To be fair, it was an hour and a half later than he normally wakes up, but we had a pretty crazy day planned, so waking up early and going to school and work was not part of the plan. Also, it was really nice that he slept in for us.

Yesterday was 37 weeks. Full term! I have no idea how I made it this far. But I’ll take it! So Pat took the day off and we headed to the doctor’s office to have the cerclage removed. Well, that was the plan. On the way to drop Gabe off at school the doctor’s office called and moved us back a couple of hours, so we dropped Gabe off and spent a couple of hours on a mini-date just the two of us.
Eventually we got the stitch removed and shockingly, the baby did not instantly fall out (which we sortof assumed based on all the ultrasounds I’ve had for the last five months). So we went on some long walks and now get to just wait. I’ve definitely never had to do this before. Making it past 37 is so completely bizarre in my head that part of me feels like I’m overdue. Clearly I’m not. But that’s kindof where my head is this morning...

In other news, today is Bella’s last day of school. In a few hours we’ll have an 8th grader.

Also, Gabe now wants to name the baby Rescue Helicopter. Funny, but that’s actually the best name he’s come up with yet...


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